Magenta window to our numbering products

Our Numbers Universe Portal is designed to support Digital Efficiency, Premium Customer Experience and Product Knowledge Growth. It is created in highly agile mode and in an accordance with latest industry standards so as specific customer requirements. Numbers Universe Portal reflects magenta environment enabling comfortable and efficient customer journeys while exploring Numbers Universe.


  • One-stop access to all numbering products
  • Enabled for companies multiple-teams approach
  • Comfortable and user-friendly
  • Fully customized based on customer’s agreed portfolio and features
  • Reside on comprehensive set of backend systems and internal APIs
  • Continiously growing with programmable features and flows
  • Preview of all numbering historical data
  • Preview numbering regulatory complience

The Solution

Numbers Universe Portal is integrated in Telekom design and designed as comfortable and user-friendly environment. It is assigned and enabled for Customer Accounts and their selected teams including responsible administrator. The customer journey flows are created in sequence and guide to final product selection or updated information. Please find our latest features portfolio in following section.


Numbers Products Search

Check product coverage
Check product attribute
Check product regulatory requirements
Check product pricing
Approach our teams if any question resides

Orders History

Approach each previously created order
Use flexible search parameters
Verify previously created order details and latest status
Edit necessary order data
Use OrderID or Order Alias to differentiate Your end-users

My Numbers Management

Approach each individual access number on the customer account
Use flexible number search parameters
Verify individual access number details
Edit necessary order data
Terminate service on selected access number(s)

Address and Business Data Validation Management

Create product specific address/business data profiles
Insert required documents and send for validation
Check status of previously created requests
Use flexible search per address reference IDs
Edit necessary data and documentation

Routing Management

Create product/number specific routing configuration
Insert required parameters and send for validation
Check status of previously created routings
Use flexible search per routing parameters
Edit existing routings

Porting Orders

Search porting available products and assigned conditions
Create new porting request
Insert required parameters and send for validation
Check details and statuses of previously created porting requests
Edit previously created porting orders

News Area

Follow the latest news regarding Numbers Universe products
Search news per specific themes and sections

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