New Security Service Enhances our 360° Security Offering

In an interview with, our Rolf Nafziger, SVP Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier, reveals our new Encrypted Lambda service. It offers a unique value proposition for transporting the ‘lifeblood’ of business: data.

As cyber criminals have intensified their interception of information while travelling across networks, a new market solution was necessary. Nafziger explains why our Lambda Encrypted Service is a “true” technology innovation and how it keeps data safer than other competitor solutions. Read about the advantages of this Layer 1, hardware-based service and how that in turn enhances speed, security and performance while reducing overall costs. It enables the safe transport of huge volumes of data at costs no other method can ensure. 

The article also highlights which type of customer would benefit the most of this new service and finally outlines why even our comprehensive 360° security offering needs to be continuously reviewed and updated. Curious? Read the full Q & A on the Website now!

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