ICSS with Big Win at the Global Carrier Awards 2015
Bonn, November 5, 2015 - Deutsche Telekom International Carrier Sales & Solutions (ICSS) was honored with an important award at acclaimed Global Carrier Awards 2015 in Paris last Tuesday. The win was for ‘Project of the Year – Terrestrial’, which acknowledged the company’s achievements for its ‘Fiber Pool’ solution.
ICSS Senior Vice President Mardia van der Walt was on hand at the gala event, where she said, “We are proud to receive this recognition for our success in a challenging, rapidly evolving marketplace. In anticipation of upcoming technologies, we’ve greatly expanded our capabilities over the past year – which the judges have tonight recognized. The award highlights the commitment of ICSS and Deutsche Telecom to become the number one European wholesale carrier as well as the leading European telco.”
Jonathan Bremner, Head of Global Capacity at ICSS, accepted the award for the ‘Fiber Pool’ project, “This solution was brought to life through the company’s cooperation with its subsidiaries Magyar Telekom, Hrvatski Telekom, Telekom Romania and Novatel. With each organization donating dark-fiber infrastructure to collectively expand the international optical backbone, ICSS is now able to offer a resilient network from the Turkish border through to Frankfurt and to all key locations in between.”
The Global Carrier Awards recognize the best of the best in wholesale telecoms, and has become one of the most coveted award events in the business. The judges are handpicked experts in the field, with backgrounds in areas as diverse as consultancy, research, analysis, law, journalism and business intelligence.
In addition to receiving the ‘Project of the Year – Terrestrial’ award, ICSS was shortlisted in four other categories, including ‘Best pan-European Wholesale Carrier’, ‘Best Global Wholesale Carrier – Data’, ‘Best European Project’ and ‘Best Voice Service Innovation – Developed Market’.
About Deutsche Telekom
Deutsche Telekom is one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies with around 151 million mobile customers, 30 million fixed-network lines and more than 17 million broadband lines (as of December 31, 2014). The Group provides fixed network, mobile communications, Internet and IPTV products and services for consumers and ICT solutions for business customers and corporate customers. Deutsche Telekom is present in more than 50 countries and has approximately 228,000 employees worldwide. The Group generated revenues of EUR 62.7 billion in the 2014 financial year – more than 60 percent of it outside Germany.
For further information, see http://www.telekom.com/home
About International Carrier Sales & Solutions (ICSS)
International Carrier Sales & Solutions (ICSS) is one of the world's leading carriers and an innovation driver for IP-based solutions. As an integral part of Deutsche Telekom’s International Wholesale Business unit, ICSS serves the international wholesale requirements of the DT Group with its international affiliates and more than 860 external customers worldwide. One of the units’ core competencies is to focus on building business partnerships around the globe. With years of experience in the international wholesale communication market, ICSS has the expertise to provide clients with tailor-made solutions. The innovative technologies are offered on a global basis with a special emphasis on Europe.
The cutting-edge offerings of ICSS include the following business segments:
Internet & Content: Ensure best user experience by partnering with one of the premier European Internet and content players.
Mobile World: Mobilize your customers’ lives with innovative and profitable solutions from ICSS, a premium mobile enabler.
Carrier Enterprise Services: Securely connect your customer’s global sites with a major European multi-service provider.
Global Capacity: Manage your growing European and transatlantic backbone requirements with tailored, reliable and high-speed connectivity solutions.
Global Voice: Excellence and innovation with scale from the international market leader for retail voice termination.
For further information, see www.telekom-icss.com.