Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier Announces New Security Service

Rolf Nafziger, SVP Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier, explains the strategic importance of our Encrypted Lambda service in an interview with Total Telecom.  

Recently Total Telecom's Chris Kelly caught up with our Rolf Nafziger to discuss the strategic relevance and the unique benefits of our new Lambda encryption service.

What is this new security service from Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier?

We have just launched a product we call Encrypted Lambda as a new service within our Lambda Connect solution and as part of our larger 360° Security Strategy. As the name suggests, it encrypts data while in transit via Lambda.

This service has come about as an answer to an ongoing problem that has gone under the radar for years – but which cyber criminals have been increasingly targeting. That is, the theft of data while it is travelling across networks. And as volumes of data are exponentially increasing, this threat is also growing. In fact, Cisco has predicted zettabyte-level growth in data, which they believe will swell global IP traffic to 20.6ZB in 2021.

What’s driving this growth are, of course, the rising number of connected devices and technologies. We’re already seeing great expansion in the IoT, M2M, AI, SD-WAN and 5G areas. It is easy to calculate how quickly those volumes of data will rise. And as we get into more real-time scenarios – such as autonomous driving, remote surgery or automatic manufacturing – speed is crucial.  So we need to prepare ourselves and we need to help our clients get ready for a future that is fast upon us.

Please give us more details about your Encrypted Lambda

Encrypted Lambda is truly different. Developed it in partnership with Ciena, it is a Layer 1, hardware-based encryption solution. That means it enables wirespeed throughput at extremely low latency for even the largest quantities of data. This sets it apart from the solutions offered by our competitors – it is faster, more cost-effective and able to effectively take on huge amounts of data.

Read the full interview on the Total Telecom Website now!

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